Tiffany Seville's Blog

Friday, March 25, 2005

That Darn Nemesis

I've been taking down a lot of Nemesis lately. So it was only slightly surprising when one of my contacts came to me and told me Nemesis had contacted him specifically to dare me to bust one of his current plots. Of course, I suspected it was a trap, but I didn't have anything else pressing to do, and I was itching for a fight.

Incendiary Lass told me about a recent band of CoT she arrested in Perez Park (see the post below). They were holed up in one of the many underground caves. Imagine my surprise when my Nemesis lead takes me to the same cave. Of course, from what Lass told me about her visit, the CoT have done a bit of magical redecorating in the last couple days.

Wow, the CoT did a lot of redecorating since Incendiary Lass was here yesterday. Posted by Hello

I get through the door and I'm immediately attacked by a few Air Thorn Casters and Behemoth Overlords. I must be getting closer to the CoT Inner Sanctum, because the Air Thorns are clearly more powerful than the Earth Thorns, and I've been seeing more of them lately. I make easy work of this batch, and head further in.

Scorching a Behemoth Overlord Posted by Hello

The caves aren't too extensive, and it doesn't take me long to work my way through them. What a surprise, no Nemesis. I really hate being played for the patsy! That does it ... I plan to personally take down Nemesis and make sure to scorch every last hair on his body! (Yeah, I can do that without causing a person serious harm).

Apparently Air Thorn Casters have a special ability that makes my butt look big. Posted by Hello


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