Tiffany Seville's Blog

Monday, April 18, 2005

Incendiary Lass - Vahzilok

I've had my head buried in the books the last couple weeks. I'm still trying to do some research to try to see if I can manage some magic that will make it easier for me to get around town. I think I told you Atsegine gave me access to her library and I managed to find some good spellbooks. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time translating Hulgerth's Guide into practice. He seems to be very heavy on theory and light on spell-casting details. I'd love to see how well _he_ could fair faced with a handful of Council members!

Anyway, one particularly dull evening while I was suffering through Hulgert's painfully detailed explanation on why he believes owl feathers are more potent catalysts for flying spells than fly wings, I had a call from Tristan Caine. He asked me if I would look into the kidnapping of Dr. Montrose, a Skyway City surgeon. Tristan had reason to believe the Vahzilok were responsible.

I've had a taste of the Vahzilok before, and I'll admit I try to steer clear of them. The Amulet of Tal'rthar's magics are more susceptible to their attacks, and I've been unable to determine the reason. However, they are an interesting group. Of course, I know there are spells that will let you reaminate the dead, but I wasn't really getting a feeling of magical energy around them. Since I needed a break badly, and its probably worth learning more about the Vahzilok, I told Tristan I would help.

Tristan gave me directions to an abandoned office building in Perez Park - one of _my_ favorite places. Thankfully I didn't have to go in to the park this time. The office building was easily accessible from the street.

Inside the place was pretty run down. At least the Vahzilok smell better when they aren't mucking around in the sewer.

Keeping the world safe from Happy Vahzilok Posted by Hello

I ran in to very little resistance, a few zombies and a few of those strange Reapers. I caught one of the Reaper types doing something strange to a zombie I had already taken out. Apparently he was trying to give the beast something like a second wind, because it started twitching and moving again. Thankfully I was able to knock the Reaper cold before he could finish whatever it was he was doing.

Thank goodness they no longer sell "Fleshie-O's" in newer vending machines. Posted by Hello

I turns out the Vahzilok were trying to force Dr. Montrose to help them with their reanimation experiments. From what I could gather from the doctor, its actually a scientific process. It may be more than that at some level, but Dr. Montrose didn't seem to believe magic was involved in what he witnessed.


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