Tiffany Seville's Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Doc Vahz - Pale Remedy

Pale is apparently getting around this week:

Ohmygod, Tiff! I ended up in a battle against Doc Vahzilok himself last night! I was helping J-tweezy incinerate the last few bodies holding the Vahzilok disease in the sewers (ick! why are all my missions in the sewers these days? it takes me hours to get my boots smelling normal again every night!). As we searched for the last body, we stumbled into what looked like a lab ... who the heck builds a lab in the sewer?!?! Apparently, Doc Vahz!

Doc Vahz's lab Posted by Hello

Thankfully, there were four of us: Shao Kahn, J-tweezy, Paladin Blue, and Twin Turbo. Between the four of us, we were able to pound Doc Vahz, tho J tells me it may have just been one of the Doc's various host bodies.

Battling the Doc Posted by Hello

Gamma and Zeltyc

Gamma has a new costume!

Hi, Tiffany!

Well, the last few months I've finally managed to shrink down the shoulder rings my father made for me into shoulder pads, so i've fashioned a new costume. I've become accustomed to the skirt and goggles ... and of course i have to keep wearing my lucky cap! However, now i can hide the shoulder pads under a nice fashionable jacket rather than having to wear those awful rings!

Gamma and Zeltyc with their new costumes. Posted by Hello

Zeltyc was a great help! We got him a cape and he picked up a new costume, too. Unfortunately, in the process of trying to help Serge with his Tsoo problem we were ambushed pretty hard outside the Icon store. They must have been gunning for a couple of the other heroes around, too, because there were a lot of them. Without Jaymes or Mary, Z and i aren't exactly offensive powerhouses. I've got to go find Mistress Evil and apologize to her for getting her sent to the hospital after she walked out of the store into all the ambushes.

Countess Crey

I was patrolling last evening when I suddenly got a frantic call from Bunny. Apparently she and Janet Kellum had managed to produce enough evidence of Countess Crey's evil-doings to get a warrant for her arrest! Most of the heroes I work with have had some inkling of Crey's darker side, but I never thought I'd see an arrest warrant for the Countess ... she always keeps her hands squeaky clean!

Anyway, Muffy joined us and we headed to Talos to a hidden network of caves the Countess was hiding in while she waited for some Crey medical staff to arrive to alter her appearance.

Talk to the shoulder kitty, Countess! Posted by Hello

Her thugs in suits couldn't stop us and we quickly found our way to the Countess. I never expected her to have mind powers, but clearly she had either been enhanced or always had her powers. She was fairly powerful, but couldn't stand up to Bunny, Muffy, and i!

Afterwards we ran into McBain. He's been trying to help me name my should kitty. We've narrowed it down to either "Joey Joe Joe" or "Lil' Red".

Monday, May 23, 2005

Pale Remedy

Hey Tiff!

Sorry I've been such a bad pen pal lately. I needed to take a break from crime-fighting after having a bad experience getting my hair colored. Sebastian somehow managed to eeke out a _totally gross_ greyish-green color instead of my usual vibrant green, so i had to take off a few weeks so I didn't die from embarassment!

Anyway, I met a whole bunch of great heroes over the last few days! I started out helping a group fight some Lost. I couldn't stop laughing after I saw the first guy with a television stuck on his head! These guys are like the dorkiest bad guys ever! Except for the ones that look like giant raisins. I had to keep the team's heads from being muddled by their psychic attacks the whole time!

So here's the team: Lazzarus, Blitzback, BloodySephiroth, Kid Flame, and D'COY. They were a lot of fun! Kid Flame has a great costume ... it would be SO cool if you picked up a costume like that!

Battling Lost Posted by Hello

Here's one of those raisin guys I mentioned:

More Lost Posted by Hello

I had never met an Ice Tanker before!

Great pic of our Ice Tank Posted by Hello

And I also managed to get one good team shot:

Nice team shot Posted by Hello

After that mission, I hiked over to the Hollows. Boy there are a lot of heroes hanging out there! It didn't take long before Nol contacted me asking for help against Atta (didn't you mention you fought Atta once, too?).

The first Atta team Posted by Hello

Nol is a Peacebringer ... pretty scary ... its kindof strange having a non-human teammate like that ... all creepy crawly! Took me a while to get used to it, but Nol is definitely a good guy! We even had a Warshade join the team later, Haate was his name, i think.

We beat our way through the mission and defeated Atta. Another good team: Nol, Lunia, BatzRadio, Sem, Foomf, Nemey, and Haate.

Nemey - sorry i made fun of your baggy pants!

Celebrating victory Posted by Hello

The next day i was really surprised to get another call for help with Atta! Apparently trolls have really good lawyers! Atta had clearly learned from the previous day, because he recruited tougher trolls this time!

Atta team #2 Posted by Hello

This team had: Denira, Roman-Candle, GraceCarrier, robotguy, and Zebulon. There were a couple others who came and went - but i didn't catch their names. I feel pretty bad ... I had a much harder time keeping these guys one their feet! I think everybody got knocked down at least once, some many times (sorry, Zeb!). I'm going to need to practice my healing more to keep up next time!

Denira and Roman-Candle Posted by Hello

Still, we persevered. Towards the end we picked up Roman-Candle, a second tank, and things got a little easier. With two tanks, we were able to pretty handily land Atta on his behind! Yay!

Victory again! Posted by Hello

Incendiary Lass - Respec


I know it has been some time since we last spoke. There was a strange magical distubance in the first week of May. For most of the other practitioners I know, it seemed to have no lingering effects. However, the Amulet of Tal'rthar reacted violently. Thankfully, I was able to contact my mother before passing out from the backlash, but I spent a few weeks under her care unable to continue my efforts.

The amulet is no longer quite the same. Its defensive powers have been affected. It no longer appears to provide any inherent defensive benefit from just wearing it. However, when I activate its First Circle auro of protection, the effect seems a bit stronger. Its Second Circle seem unchanged.

I spent some of my downtime further researching Hulgerth's Guide. I was able to adapt some of Hulgerth's theories on Movement Across Earth to speed up my running speed. Its been a great help while running around Paragon City on my various missions. I've also been trying to develop a spell for Movement Through Air. I've successfully been able to hover in the air, but I think its going to require feeding the spell with a bit more magical power in order to accomplish movement. Hovering by itself does seem useful, but my original goal was certainly to get around more easily, so i need to keep working on it.

I respec-ed Incendiary Lass today. She's been on the shelf for some time, while I exercise Gamma Ray, Pale Remedy, and Tiffany. So, here it is:

Exported from version 1.5A of CoH Planner
Archetype: Tanker
Primary Powers - Ranged : Invulnerability
Secondary Powers - Support : Fiery Melee
01 : Scorch endred(01)
01 : Temp Invulnerability endred(01) damres(3)
02 : Fire Sword endred(02) acc(3) dam(5) dam(7) dam(7) dam(13)
04 : Taunt tntdur(04) tntdur(5)
06 : Swift runspd(06)
08 : Unyielding endred(08) damres(9) damres(9) damres(11) damres(11) damres(13)
10 : Combustion endred(10)
12 : Hover fltspd(12)
14 : Fly Empty(14)

Okay, so I dropped Air Superiority from the build. I just didn't like it. Yeah, its a great power. It does knockdown and all, but I like Fire Sword (I know I'm in the minority there!) and I don't need four single-target attacks in my early teens.

I also dropped RPD. I've been meaning to try the two-slot TI route. It is a little different, but Lass can still stand up to a few yellow-con Trolls for a good while. She takes damage, but she's doing fine without it. In fact, it seems a bit better balanced with End. In the Hollows mission she's currently running, she comes close to running out of end fighting three yellow-con's. That same battle seems to consume about 2/3rds of her health (this was 2 Outcasts and 1 Troll).

One minor change I really love - Swift at lvl 6. Wow! It really makes up for the long grind to lvl 14 for a travel power. Lass is noticably faster. I think i'm going to try to incorporate it as a standard in most of my builds.

I've only been running her through missions for a short time, but i like the change. I think part of why she's been shelved so much lately is i stopped having fun playing her. It seems to be better. The only minor nuisance is she seems to be having trouble with accuracy. I dropped a slot from Scorch, so it lost an ACC enhancement, but i really have a hard time believing one TO would make that much difference.

I should mention, so far, I'm trying to leave Lass a build-from-scratch alt and not bequeath influence on her. So she's having trouble scrounging the influence to get DO's. We'll see how long this policy lasts!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Bunny has been working with Tina Macintyre lately. Tina's an old drinking buddy of mine. She may seem like a mild-mannered scientist on the outside, but get her out to a club and watch out! I'll warn you, though ... don't ever let her talk you into taking her to a Karaoke bar once she's had a couple cosmopolitans. She's horribly tone deaf.

Anyway, Bunny and i had been helping her out the last few weeks with odds and end alternate dimensional stuff. I took a trip to the Hydra world for her and Bunny did a very strange run to a dimension filled with ghosts. So it wasn't too surprising to hear from Tina. Apparently one of the Portal labs wasn't responding so we went to check it out.

The lab was filled with blue clockwork, which was a bit troubling. We had fought these clockwork before in another dimension, culminating in a battle with one of that dimension's archvillains, AntiMatter. This time, the clockwork were here on our world, tho.

It turned out our little jaunt to AntiMatter's world was leading him here to Paragon City. We were going to have to act quickly to try to stop AntiMatter from forcing his way into our dimension and wreaking havoc.

We weren't the only ones after AntiMatter tho. Another villain from that dimension, Neuron, also seemed to be interested in Paragon City. But he and AntiMatter were clearly not working together. Neuron sent Bobcat to Jamison Office Park where Bunny, Muffy, and i fought her and her catlike minions.

Battling Bobcat Posted by Hello

Bobcat Posted by Hello

Now that we knew a bit more about what we were up against, Tina sent us to the dimension AntiMatter came from to plant some scanners to help identify when AntiMatter opened up a portal to our world. We had discovered AntiMatter was working on a way to opn up portals undetected and Tina felt these scanners might help circumvent his new technology. Unfortunately, we ran into yet another villain while trying to plant the scanners, ShadowHunter.

Shadowhunter Posted by Hello

ShadowHunter had an army of wolves we had to fight through in order to place the scanners. He was pretty tough, too, but Bunny, Muffy, and i were able to take him.

It was a worthwhile effort, because immediately after we planted the scanners, they detected a portal activation that we would not have noticed without the portals. Bunny, Muffy, and i sped immediately to a lab where we battled both Neuron and AntiMatter.

Neuron Posted by Hello

AntiMatter Posted by Hello

Neuron Posted by Hello

AntiMatter Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

Miss Winters - Liberty

In one of my alternate dimension jaunts, I made a new friend ... Miss Winters. Tina gave me a device that allows us to communicate. I've been following her career.

Miss Winters is a very bright young woman who went to work for Crey labs after graduating from Paragon University with PhD's in both Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the amazing age of 21! Her uncle was the lead cryogenic engineer at Crey, and helped kindle her interest in the technology. He helped invent the Crey Cryonic Rifles - a device I've been on the other side of many times!

Miss Winters apparently started making a name for herself at Crey very quickly, modifying her uncle's designs to allow Crey to shrink the rifle into pistol form. She also did some significant work on making the Crey Cryo Tank armor lighter and more flexible. Prior to her involvement, it wasn't even portable.

Well, after a couple years working at Crey, it seems their executives felt they didn't need two cryogenic specialists, and her uncle suffered a fatal "accident". Miss Winters tells me she's absolutely certain it wasn't an accident; that her uncle was murdered by Crey. So, now she's on the run, trying to prove they were responsible for her uncles death.

Hello, Tiffany. My career as a crime-fighter is off to a bumpy start. Thankfully, I've found a few friends to help. So far, I have not had any opportunity to start my investigation into Crey. Instead, I have been spending all my time helping out my new friends. I don't mind ... as you know I am intimately familiar with the inner workings of Crey Laboratories - having until recently been one of their top Cryogenic Engineers. I know my skills aren't strong enough yet to seriously launch an investigation into my uncle's "accidental" death at their hands.

Miss Winters Posted by Hello

I've included a snapshot taken from a recent mission I participated in. Miss Gladys was asked to take out the founder of the Outcasts, Frostfire. I was not certain how effective my cryogenic technology would be against Frostfire, but I believe I proved my worth.

Miss Winters and some friends Posted by Hello

Miss Gladys introduced me to Geoflame, Talon Edge, and Dark Nickie. Dark Nickie is actually a Warshade. I had heard of them when I worked for Crey and I was asked to run some simulations on how Crey cryo technology might affect them, but I never expected to actually meet one.

Connie's back ... and Anti-Matter!

I've had limited access to post lately because I've been travelling in a few exotic places. I've been helping Portal Corp out a lot ... spending time in Firebase Zulu, scouting alternate dimensions. My Internet access doesn't work terribly well from Upsilon-Tau Beta 6.

There has been one momentous occurance, however ... our sister Connie turned up again!

Connie's back! Posted by Hello

Bunny and I lost little time getting Connie back into the action.

We started things out with a rousing Rikti battle Posted by Hello

Most of the action has been work we've been asked to perform by Tina Macintyre. At first we had a few simple alternate dimension missions. Bunny and I fought a version of the Clockwork King, we visited the dimension the Hydra came from, and explored a strange alternate world filled with ghosts.

After visiting some of these strange places, Tina's requests took on a more urgent tone. One of the missions took us to a lab in an alternate dimension filled with blue clockwork. It turns out a villian was running the lab who looked strikingly similar to Positron.

Battling Anti-Matter Posted by Hello