Tiffany Seville's Blog

Monday, January 31, 2005

Moonfire Task Force Nova Defeats Arankh!

It took half the day, but Moonfire Task Force Nova managed to defeat Arakhn in Striga Isle Sunday. We actually started with two additional team members who had to leave, but the final team consisted of

Nippie - our fearless Ice Blaster leader
Rohry - the mysterious Dark Defender
Cyrus - the stalwart Ice Blaster
Muffy - the brash Assault Rifle Blaster
Bunny - the potent Gravity Controller
and myself

The mission started simply enough, battling through hordes of Vampyri and Warwolves, but soon we found ourselves in the midst of a dire Councile plot masterminded by the ArchVillain Arakhn.

Next weekend: i hear Ernesto Hess has a mission for me!

I only managed to collect a handful of photos, but here are a few glimpses into the action (click on the pictures to see larger versions):

Task Force Nova battles a horde of galaxyPosted by Hello

At the entrace to Arakhn's bunker. Left to right: Bunny, Muffy, Tiffany, and Rohry Posted by Hello

The team's initial encounter with Arakhn.Posted by Hello

Arakhn faces the fierce onslaught of Task Force Nova's blasters Posted by Hello

"Why won't you admit defeat?!?!" Posted by Hello

Probably the best shot we got of Arakhn, herselfPosted by Hello

The team battles on Posted by Hello

Arakhn is nearly subdued Posted by Hello

Thanks to Task Force Nova, Striga Isle is safe from Arakhn's mischief!


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